Finally…Here’s the Perfect Solution If You Want to Move Better, Minimize Pain, Prevent Injuries, Relieve Stress and Enhance Your Everyday Life

Join Hundreds of Happy, Active Men & Women In Their
40s, 50s, 60s And Up Who Are Restoring Youthful Movement, Touching Their Toes, And Feeling Strong And Confident…

If you’re tired of pain keeping you from your hobbies, jolting you awake at night, and sucking the energy out of you…and you want to restore the strength and mobility of your youth…

…so you can squat, bend, twist, run, exercise, and get back to your favorite activities without pain and with total confidence…Then keep reading. Because…

You Can Enjoy Total Body Freedom,Strength,and Movement Like You Had As A Kid…In Less Than A Month!

What Is Mobility?

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Mobility isn't just about movement; it's the cornerstone of freedom, flexibility, and grace in our bodies.

Mobility encompasses the range of motion in your joints and muscles, dictating how effortlessly you can navigate through life's motions. It blends flexibility, stability, and strength, working in harmony to support your body's natural movements.

By prioritizing mobility, you're not just preparing for a workout or achieving a fitness goal – you're investing in your overall well-being and unlocking a newfound sense of freedom and confidence in your body.

How is this different than Yoga?

While both mobility and yoga classes focus on improving flexibility, body awareness, and overall movement quality, they differ in their methods, goals, and techniques. Here's a breakdown of how a mobility class differs from a yoga class:


  • Focuses on improving joint range of motion, stability, and control through functional movements.

  • Often incorporates dynamic stretches, active range of motion exercises, and targeted drills to address specific limitations in movement.

  • Aims to enhance performance in daily activities, sports, and strength training by working on joint health and movement efficiency.

  • Involves active movements that challenge the body’s range of motion and stability. Movements are typically dynamic, with a focus on control, often using resistance bands, weights, or body weight.

  • Exercises might include hip openers, shoulder rotations, ankle mobility drills, and core stabilization exercises, specifically targeting joints to improve functionality.


  • Primarily focuses on flexibility, balance, mental relaxation, and spiritual well-being.

  • Involves a sequence of static postures (asanas) combined with deep breathing (pranayama) to promote mindfulness, relaxation, and body awareness.

  • Aims to cultivate a mind-body connection and reduce stress, with some forms also enhancing flexibility and strength.

  • Focuses more on static postures held for longer durations, promoting flexibility and relaxation. Movements are more fluid and connected in styles like Vinyasa, while others, like Hatha, focus on individual poses.

  • Poses often engage large muscle groups and work on balance, but are not as specific in targeting individual joints or increasing range of motion in a functional way.

Why do you need mobility in exercise?

Mobility describes the health of joints. Flexibility describes the length of muscles.

They go hand in hand, and one often affects the other, but being mobile means having an extensive range of motion within your joints and being flexible means being able to lengthen your muscles to a greater degree.

It’s as simple as it sounds. You need mobility to stay mobile. In your youth, this lets you perform all your workouts and sport exercises with the right form. In your old age, you will need your mobility to lift yourself out of your seat to make yourself a cup of tea. It’s basic body maintenance that we often neglect. Pretty important stuff.

When looking to develop fitness and train in the gym, especially for those who resistance train, mobility takes on greater importance. A full range of motion within a joint allows you to perform an exercise with the correct form and effectively engage the right muscles.

Think about your squat. Getting deeper in a squat requires mobility in the hip and knee joints. Maybe even the ankle joints too. The deeper your squat, the more effective it is for developing your muscle strength.

Reduced mobility can mean we take compensating movements or ‘short-cuts’, which puts us at risk of injury and structural imbalances. Mobility, as well as flexibility, is needed for healthy muscular and skeletal function.

Why Should you care?

Enhanced Performance: Whether you're perfecting a yoga pose, lifting weights, or simply navigating your daily routine, improved mobility equals improved performance.

Injury Prevention: Strengthening and stretching your body enhances resilience, reducing the risk of injuries and discomfort that can hinder your fitness journey.

Pain Reduction: Release tension, alleviate tightness, and say goodbye to chronic pain. Prioritizing mobility means embracing comfort and physical well-being.

Improved Posture: Stand tall and proud! Enhance alignment and balance for a physique that not only looks great but feels great too.

Empowerment: Mobility isn't just about the physical; it's about owning your movements, expressing yourself authentically, and embracing new possibilities in every aspect of your life.

Boost Daily Energy: You’ll be shocked by how much more energy you can have simply by stretching and loosening up stiff muscles. You’ll eliminate constant tension in your back, pressure in your hips, and you’ll have tons of youthful vitality because you aren’t fighting aches and pains all day.

3 UGLY TRUTHS Why Most People Don’t Move Well, Have Painful Joints and Hate Exercise

  • Most people don’t believe that there is anything that can actually help them get out of pain or move better so they don’t do anything about it.

  • They don’t realize or are educated on how their poor posture and repetitive movements help contribute to painful joints (i.e. back pain, shoulder problems or achy knees) and restricted movement patterns.

  • And they are usually convinced that they are better off avoiding exercise and movement because of their pain not realizing that the very thing they are avoiding will actually help them prevent injuries, enhance their performance in and out of the gym as well as improve their everyday life!

Don't worry, we can help!

It’s NOT A Boring Stretch Routine, IT’S A Full Body Mobility Training Session That Will Blow You AWAY UH-MAZING!

What is included:

28 Day Mobility Guide & App

Inside this helpful guide, we’ll lay out the entire program like your momma used to lay out your clothes in the morning. Here, we’ll explain exactly how the program works, what to expect, foods you can eat to boost your mobility, and how to get the best and fastest results.

8-12 Minute Daily Mobility Follow Along Videos

Inside these videos you’ll learn how to maximize results from short stretching sessions. You'll know exactly which stretch to do, when, how many sets, its duration and frequency to transform your mobility in less than a month. All you have to do is select your session for the day…click “play”... follow along with us on the screen… and it’ll be like we’re right there in the room with you.


3 Group Stretch & Mobility Sessions each week

Join us at the studio at 8am on M/W/F for instructor lead group stretch & Mobility classes...

Can't make it to the studio? No problem- we will have recorded sessions you can follow along with and choose from for longer all over body sessions.

Daily notifications & Check-ins

Inside the daily notifications you’ll get hacks for improving mobility even when you aren’t working out,
motivational content to keep you on track, and bonus tips to help you limber-up and feel better than ever before in your adult life. Plus we include nutrition and daily actions.

Baseline Mobility Testing Score

A baseline mobility testing score is a guided assessment to evaluate key areas of mobility and movement patterns. The test includes several components to identify areas of strength and limitation, which will then help create a personalized plan.We will test Hips, Shoulders, Core, Ankle, knee and trunk. After the initial assessment, we’ll guide you through exercises tailored to address any limitations or concerns. Repeating the test after training allows us to track improvements, guiding you toward your fitness goals more effectively.

What to EXPECT?

Ready to boost your overall quality of movement and life, NO MATTER HOW YOU SPEND YOUR TIME?

Base Testing to see progress and where you need to improve

Easy body tests to assess NEW vital signs, your current physical condition AND your likely lifespan – and simple shifts to your lifestyle that will improve both.

Bonus: 6 Pillars to help you feel better!

6 physical practices to elevate the way your body feels (less stiffness! fewer aches and pain! increased mobility and movement freedom!)

Convenience & Accessibility

Actionable tips and strategies for leading a healthy, longevity-friendly lifestyle outside the gym and/or off your mobility mat.

Getting started is simple

Simply Fill out the info form so we know if we need to add more in studio sessions and times.

PLEASE note- we expect you to come to class 2x a week for those that choose in studio sessions and perform at least 10 minutes of mobility each day to experience results.

Current Clients will get their registration fee back if they complete the challenge- I used to make these free for clients but I found no one takes them serious so you need a little skin in the game to stay consistent and also be eligible for prizes.

Simply Fill out the info form so we know if we need to add more in studio sessions and times.

PLEASE note- we expect you to come to class 2x a week for those that choose in studio sessions and perform at least 10 minutes of mobility each day to experience results.

Current Clients will get their registration fee back if they complete the challenge- I used to make these free for clients but I found no one takes them serious so you need a little skin in the game to stay consistent and also be eligible for prizes.

Have questions?

email or call/text 541.241.6989


FREE BUT YOU HAVE TO PAY A REGISTRATION FEE that is refundable if you complete the challenge!


  • Up to 3 in person mobility Sessions per week (need to come to at least 2 to be considered for the weekly prizes & refund registration fee)

  • Get 8 recorded classes for longer sessions

  • Online Mobility Daily Sessions

  • Daily Habits

  • Challenge Group on our custom app

  • Option to add Assisted Stretching at a discounted rate

  • Option to add Personal Training at a discounted rate

If you are unable to attend the 8am or we don't add any other times then you can complete the recorded 45 min. classes 2x a week instead.

Click the Learn More button for more information and/or to register and reserve your spot!



  • Daily 8-12 min. mobility sessions

  • Get 8 recorded classes for longer sessions

  • Recorded 8am sessions to follow along to

  • To be eligible for prizes must participate and check in daily

  • Challenge Group on our custom app

  • Option to add Assisted Stretch for a discounted Price

Click the Learn More button for more information and/or to register and reserve your spot!


Online and In Studio

(previous clients that haven't been in for 3 month or more can sign up here)



  • Up to 3 in person mobility Sessions per week (need to come to at least 2 to be considered for the weekly prizes)

  • Get 8 recorded classes for longer sessions

  • Small Group Personal Training & Classes

  • One PT session & Injury Screen

  • Online Mobility Daily Sessions

  • Ability to add personal training or try our small group personal training

  • Daily Habits

  • Challenge Group on our custom app

  • Option to add Assisted Stretching at a discounted rate

  • Option to add Personal Training at a discounted rate

If you are unable to attend the 8am in person or we don't add any other times then you can complete the recorded 45 min. classes 2x a week instead.

Click the Learn More button for more information and/or to register and reserve your spot!

Post Address and Mail



1279 NE 2nd St. Bend, OR 97701

Get In Touch

Assistance Hours

Mon – Friday by appointment

Sunday – CLOSED

Phone Number:


1279 NE 2nd St, Bend, OR 97701, USA

Office: inMoiton Training Studio

Call 541-241-6989


Copyright 2022 . All rights reserved